Dr. Oscar Martinez
Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Impact Analysis Using Explicit Dynamic Simulations
ABSTRACT: This presentation describes the methodology used for the pipe whip analysis and presents the preliminary results for a selected geometry. The specific problem analyzed is a broken pipe of the Vacuum Vessel Primary Heat Transfer System (VV PHTS) in the Lower Pipe Chase whipping toward the Divertor (DIV) piping in its vicinity. The analysis approach, material modeling, finite element modeling, and results for the selected case are presented with a brief discussion on conservatism and uncertainties. The results for the specific case show that the whipping VV PHTS pipe causes plastic deformation of the target DIV pipe, but the maximum strain in the deformed DIV pipe is still lower than the failure criterion by a large margin.
BIOGRAPHY: Dr. Oscar A. Martinez is a Senior Research and Development Staff member and group leader at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division. He received his Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Ph.D. degrees in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Florida. His primary research interests are in solid mechanics, structural analysis, explicit dynamic computational modeling, mechanical testing of hazardous material shipping containers, and transportation of radioactive material shipping containers. At ORNL, Dr. Martinez provides subject matter expertise on structural modeling, finite element modeling and simulation, and design analysis to various projects with mechanical engineering, finite element analysis, or structural analysis needs. Additionally, he is the program manager of the Package Testing Program of a Type B radioactive materials shipping container designs at the National Transportation Research Center.